SSPR Member Profile: Tonya
Posted by Karen Frazier on Friday, December 14, 2012

Name: Tonya
What is your role with SSPR? Logistics and wherever they want me. I roll with it and don't ask questions!
How long have you been with the team? I think I joined the group in 2007 and took a year off in 2009 to have a baby girl. Then I got right back to it again. I have always felt something, and I saw my first ghost in 1997. When I left the group to have a little one, I missed it too much. I was homesick. I love my SSPR family.
What is your profession? I'm a stay-at-home momma and a retired Army wife of 24 years. Kevin was an E-8. Now he's a linesman.
What are your hobbies? Anything paranormal and hanging with friends. I love the outdoors: long walks, camping, fishing, and quad riding. I also enjoy doing lots of fun stuff with my three kids including cheerleading. Oh yes - and staying out of trouble.
Why the paranormal? Why NOT? It's the unknown! I love to help others dealing with it.
What is your most profound paranormal experience? Well, really there are too many experiences. I live with it. Not a big fan when you do EVPs in your house and the SSPR gets a man's voice saying your kids' names. EEK!
What would people be surprised to learn about you? Well I guess you'll have to get to know me to find out! (P.S. My close friends call me BRAT!)
What scares you? I HATE SPIDERS - I don't care how big or small. I also hate to be last in a dark area going upstairs or leaving. You know the shows when the last one gets their ankle grabbed going up the stairs? Yep - NO WAY! I will try to be first our go out fast. (Editor's note: That explains a lot, Tonya.)